Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Excel Posts you Need to Read

On my sister blog,, I had a burst of energy over the weekend and posted a series of articles that everyone here could find useful.

Here are the links:

21st April 2013: The Sunday Times published its rich list 2013 today. I have applied Benford’s Law to the list and made a surprising discovery! Excel Tips … Others menu!

20th April 2013: three things today: 1) I have started a trial with Excel 2013 and I have found pivot table timelines: take a look at the Excel Hot To … Pivot Tables to see what that means; 2) using Shift + F9 to Copy and Paste in the Excel How To … Others menu; and 3) a brief explanation of corkscrew calculations. Look in the Excel Tips … Others menu 

18th April 2013: this is why I need to keep talking about Pivot Tables!  See the menu item Excel Tips … Other
The course I have just finished had a large Excel element and for the first time I ran an Excel Mini Project throughout the course. Well, not quite throughout but I got the delegates to tell us about a file or topic or small niggle that they had and that we would work on. It didn’t go entirely according to plan in that we didn’t have the time to spend the 30 – 45 minutes a day on the projects that I would have liked.

Every Excel based course brings out something good but this time I got one of my specials.

No link for this one but the following is a fascination for me:

Duncan Williamson