The title of this post is the heading of the summary of kep points that we need to observe and live by if we are to try to guarantee that we get the promotion(s) we think we deserve. Take a look at this list and see whether you agree with everything you see there: I don’t. I think we can all find examples of people who fall foul of several of these key factors and yet have still made the grade.
Key Factors in Executive Career Advancement
Non negotiables___________________________________
Factors that are absolutely necessary for you to be a contender
- Demonstrating consistently strong performance a Displaying ethics, integrity, and character
- Being driven to lead and to assume higher levels of responsibility
Deselection Factors________________________________
Characteristics that prevent you from being considered as a serious candidate
- Having weak interpersonal skills
- Treating others with insensitivity or abrasiveness
- Putting self-interest above company good
- Holding a narrow, parochial perspective on the business and the organization
Core Selection Factors_____________________________
Capabilities that breed others' confidence in your ability to succeed at the senior executive level
- Setting direction and thinking strategically; spotting marketplace trends and developing a winning strategy that differentiates the company
- Building and continually upgrading a strong executive team; having a "nose for talent"; establishing an adequate level of team cohesion
- Managing implementation without getting involved at too low a level of detail; defining a set of roles, processes, and measures to ensure that things get done reliably
- Building the capacity for innovation and change; knowing when new ways of doing business are required; having the courage, tolerance for risk, and change-management skills to bring new ideas to fruition
- Getting things done across internal boundaries (lateral management); demonstrating organization savvy; influencing and persuading colleagues; dealing well with conflict
- Growing and developing as an executive; soliciting and responding to feedback; adjusting leadership style in light of experience
Source: John Beeson (2009) Why you didn’t get that Promotion Harvard Business Review page 103 June
Duncan Williamson
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